Over the last few years I've called him many names during my training sessions...On the Donaldson Ironman-diet you get things to do like a 8km run - 42km ride - 8m run - 42km ride - 8km run - 42km ride - 8km run session (yes, that is ONE session) or a 6hr ride followed by a 30km run - after 2 weeks of running, the 30km run will be your 4th 3hr run within those two weeks. When you read those sessions you generally read them 3 times, in case you miss-read what you just read.
You generally read them right the first time though...
The damn thing with this coach though is, he know's what he's doing...you shit bricks the night before those sessions and then you go out and do them. And no, you don't die...you just do them. And you realize, you CAN do it. I've come to the conclusion that training is really a cheesy combination of Adidas and Nike marketing - anything is possible, you just have to do it...wicked feeling though once you've done it!
So, my schedule for this weekend is to ride the Whaka 100km MTB course on Saturday (in other words - ride every blimmin hill and singletrack in Whaka Forest), and the 50km course on Sunday. Morning. The afternoon will be topped off with 4 reps of Moerangi South. And some Split Enz inbetween, if the hand-eye coordination still works.
The longest ride I've done on a MTB is maybe 3hrs, on the road 4 1/2...and funnily enough, no, I'm not shitting bricks this time. I know it might be painful going to the toilet after this weekend, but I also know I'll just have to go out and do it. Won't be pretty, but I'll get it done.
Ingrid, one of Scott's Ironman-coachees has written this great column on Training and Scott...
She pictures him as the wise yoda. I still reckon he has some relation to Satan, but yes, he's a wise man...and all I'll hope for this weekend is - may the force be with me!

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