Friday, May 1, 2009

Possum left/right and Rotorua Trails A - Z

or - how to keep yourself entertained during training sessions.

Lets admit it - some of those training sessions are a wee bit boring at times...okay, I'll regret this sentence big time if Coach Yoda reads this, so let's reword this thought...some of those training sessions leave you a bit braindead at times (better?) and strategies to keep yourself entertained are in high demand...

Tonight I had to do big chain reps up Tarawera Rd, 8 times...woahooo...keeping count of whatever is not one my fortes.
So what better to do than using that dead possum on the white line at the top of the climb as a lap counter! Choice, even numbered reps - we pass the possum to the left side, uneven numbered reps - we pass the possum on the right side! All counting problems sorted!

But wait, there's more - Sunday is a 7hr ride in the Forest. What to do in 7hrs....??? The German in me likes sorting things, so I thought it would be a pretty smart idea to ride all the trails of Whaka Forest in... A to Z order! Looking at the list I don't anticipate to get any further than letter L. For those that know, check out the order below and think about it.

Anyone keen for a challenge - how long will it take you to ride through the MTB alphabet?

A Trail
Ball & Chain
Be rude not to
Billy T
Bunny Jugs
Chestnut Link
Chop Suey
Creek Track
Dragons Tail
Exit Trail
Frontal Lobotomy
Gunna Gotta
Hot X Buns
Huckleberry Hound
Jeffs Link
Lentil Link
Lions Trail
Little Red Riding Huck
Mad if you don’t
No Brains
Old Chevy
Pig Track
Pondy downhill
Pondy new
Rock Drop
Rose Bank
Soak Hole
Split Enz
Sweet & Sour
Tahi Trail
Turkish Delight
Yellow Brick Road

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